We are really excited at how the camp went today. Incorporating music/holding binders will definitely be a bit of an initial challenge, but we'll keep at it! It was exciting to see some new faces at choir, and (when they want to!) those children can definitely create some beautiful sounds! Now we just need to find the trick to get that to happen all of the time.... :) We hope you love the music as much as we do, and we're looking forward to adding to more of the Church's musical heritage to our repertoire.

We also want to specifically thank the parents for helping us muddle through this transition. While your children have to want to sing, it is your support that holds the figurative and literal keys to getting them to our rehearsals and performances. While we are very passionate about our music ministry to the children, we want to let you know how much we value the fact that you're making their sacred music education a priority as well. We hope to continue to build our relationship with you parents with more easily accessible communication.

Looking ahead to our first rehearsal on this coming Wednesday, October 3 from 3:45-4:45, we need to ask again for your assistance in helping us network to get our numbers up to a committed 20 for the year. That way, we can begin working from a sound foundation of volume of voices where it's not as intimidating for the children to sing out.

What we're doing:
  • posting fliers around church for the Sunday 9am Mass on 9/31
  • sending out information/reminders to some of the email groups (potluck, home school)
  • *NEW* facebook page! The facebook page will hopefully share these blog posts automatically and will also serve to share more of the social side of things at choir, while this website will remain more for informational resources.

How can you help?
The best advantage that you parents have is that you are all "linked in" to the parent network at Holy Family much more than my Mom and I. If you're excited about the new direction we're taking the choir, please share this with other parents! Word of mouth referrals always seem to carry weight with things that matter most. You can "like" our new facebook page, as well as share this new website with people you know as well.

As always, we are very open to hearing suggestions if we've forgotten about anything--networking through email lists and technology is a whole new animal from simple announcements and bulletins at church! If there is an email list that I didn't refer to or any other way you think would be helpful for us to reach out, please speak up!

Thanks, and see you Wednesday!

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    Who are we?

    Mary Beth Millner has been a private piano teacher for 35 years and started the children's choir in 1993 to provide a way for children to participate in the Liturgy of the Church.

    Nicole Millner grew up singing in the choir and playing flute and organ for the Mass. After completing her Master's Degree in Music Performance, she is now pursuing sacred music as her vocation, with private organ and voice studies as well as intensive study of the musical history, traditions and characteristics of the Liturgy.


    March 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012

