With much anticipated, we eagerly decided to begin our choir year with lots of time on our hands to explore our new ideas: We are excited to include more of the traditions of our Catholic heritage this year by including chant and more sacred motets in our repertoire, as well providing children with the challenge (and the resulting benefits) of singing from music for the first time, instead of just memorizing by rote. Singing in two or three parts is also a goal of ours, but depends on the children and how capable they are of holding their own musical line--however, this is a learnable skill, so even if we can't do it initially, it's not to say that it will never happen!

We had initially planned for a Day Camp of 4 hours, including a light snack, on the morning of Saturday, September 29 from 9:00am-1:00pm. However, we were recently made aware that there is a conflicting homeschool event that same morning, and we don't want to exclude homeschoolers if we can help it! We are exploring the idea of postponing the start of choir until the next week: Saturday, October 6. This would also grant us more flexibility with time...we could do either 9:00am-1:00pm again, OR, pending approval from Holy Family, the camp could go from 1:00pm-4:30, and we could sing some of our new pieces at the 5pm Mass. (In this case, we would make sure that snack would fall well before Mass to not interfere with the Eucharistic Fast)

What's your preference:
  1. September 29, 9:00am-1:00pm
  2. October 6, 9:00am-1:00pm
  3. October 6, 1:00pm-4:30pm with a possible 5pm Mass

As before, if you could leave your family name, number of children, and your day/time preference in the comments, we would appreciate it. Thanks!

Heeren family
9/24/2012 04:35:04 am

W could make the Oct. 6th in the morning day camp. In the afternoon, again the homeschoolers have soccer games and would not be able to participate in the choir nor for mass. Thank you!

9/24/2012 12:04:04 pm

Thanks for responding, Heerens. How many children in your family would be in choir?


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    Who are we?

    Mary Beth Millner has been a private piano teacher for 35 years and started the children's choir in 1993 to provide a way for children to participate in the Liturgy of the Church.

    Nicole Millner grew up singing in the choir and playing flute and organ for the Mass. After completing her Master's Degree in Music Performance, she is now pursuing sacred music as her vocation, with private organ and voice studies as well as intensive study of the musical history, traditions and characteristics of the Liturgy.


    March 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012

